Friday, 21 December 2012

Materiality and Fabrication: Exhibition

This post is a selection of research into the exhibition side of my design. I wanted to take the ideas from typical museum/exhibition spaces and develop it into my own work. I thought about adding sounds and images to stick to this idea and it will also be a good way to tell people about the history of my site.

I was thinking for sounds, surround sound could be a good option to help the noises echo throughout the ginnel. It could work well with the sensors as well as you can connect it up for certain sounds to play when certain sensors are passed over.
It works with several speakers which are placed in different areas to get the desired effect. Also to be considered is the left and right audio. This is used to split the sound perfectly in half to get the perfect mix of sound. Like with ear phones, you need a right and left one which balance out the sounds on both sides.
The Third speaker is the one that emits the dialogue and also the sounds that are in the centre, it makes it as though you are hearing everything from one place.
Lastly there are background speakers. These speakers give you the impression that you are in the centre of the action when your watching a film or TV. 


I thought that if the lighting was to be lit from below it gives it a better effect for people looking, it can also be balanced out by adding these types of lights to the ceiling as well so it gives a kind of a spotlight on the images and text etc. and the lighting in the centre will be given off the images from the videos.

Back lighting behind the text boxes could also work to highlight the text to make it easier for people to read and these types of lighting can also change during different moods. Lighting can be used to create different effects and I think for the exhibition different effects and moods will be apparent so lighting can help to create this. Lighting can be easily added behind boards, into flooring and into the panels themselves so it will work well in my designs.

The best type of projector to be used to add videos and images onto the different panels would be a ceiling projector. These are good for my site as they will not take up much space and are easy to assemble, especially on the extended roof.

An LCD projector would be even better because it works similarly to other projectors as it projects light through a filter to create an image. It gives crisper and clearer images unlike the general slide type projectors. It works well like this because it uses the 3 colour pixels; red, green and blue.
These 3 different coloured lights must be shown through their retrospective screens, which are then brought together in a prism to form the image. It is done by using mirrors, which put the different colours together to make the images.

As well as images, video's can be added onto projectors, using the same technique as if you were to project images. Having multiple videos on at the same time can be confusing so I would like some projectors to show images that relate to the videos so the viewer can understand the exhibition more.

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